Diamond pickaxes! Diamond pickaxes everywhere! That was my first impression of Lonely Summit, a minecraft adventure map where digging through solid rock will not be a problem. Two minutes into the map and I already had four diamond pickaxes, and access to about four more hanging about in picture frames.
But that’s not really what this minecraft map is about. It’s not about vast amounts of cobblestone and free diamond tools. It’s about a story involving an adventuresome fisherman (you) and a summit that is feeling a mite lonely. It’s the quest to find out what happened to a once thriving sea side village – often by systematically digging through that very same village. What you find hidden in the sleepy seaside town is enough to send you off on a wild adventure.

The Barren is not a particularly inviting place. It is, however, a pretty decent survival map with a neat and compact desert theme. As humans throughout history have done, you will begin your journey by clinging to the fertile soils at water’s edge. There you will begin to plant the crops and harvest the animals that have traveled across the desert to drink at the rare spring.

If you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, you’ll want to download this Walking Dead Minecraft map, set in the town of Woodbury. You’ll find most of Woodbury fairly faithfully recreated in this map download, though some concessions have been made for space and aesthetic concerns. This is the perfect map download for anyone who wants to practice their minecraft zombie survival skills, or anyone who collects minecraft maps based on popular television shows.

The City of Love isn’t just another minecraft map, this is a minecraft dating simulation. Or perhaps it is better described as a minecraft dating adventure map, at any rate, the point of the map is to explore the city of love and find love.

The texture pack that comes with the map is quite stunning, I’m talking flaming pink love heart stunning. A custom NPC system provides you with plenty of conversational alternatives and many of the city’s inhabitants are quite generous to a newcomer. TIP: Don’t drink the potion offered to you by the bum who meets you when you first enter the city of love – unless you really have to. The effects are… unpleasant. We’re talking a full twenty seconds of nausea per drink unpleasant. The benefit of the potion is that it makes others forgive you and talk to you again, so if you’ve really messed something up on one of your minecraft dates, you’ll get a second chance.

Do you love minecraft? Do you also happen to love the Saint’s Row franchise? If so, you need to download this Saint’s Row minecraft map! This Saint’s Row mansion, lovingly created in minecraft comes complete with gaudy purple and glowstone decor, as well as plenty of villager goons. (more…)