A minecraft map made of mushrooms, Mycelium survival pits the player against a world full of mushroom spores and very little else. Grass is at a premium, but mycelium isn’t – which is great news for lovers of fungus.
A fascinating looking map with a rotund protuberance (otherwise known as a hill) and plenty of great underground caverns to explore, this is quite an interesting survival map, which will be won or lost based on your ability to gather resources and put them in one place.

The SNES game Link To The past has been lovingly recreated in minecraft. You can now explore Kakariko village in minecraft, as well as the Thieves Guild, the Lost Forest, Hyrule Forest, the Blacksmith and even visit the Flute Kid. Nostalgia away!
Download A Link to the Past Minecraft SNES Map

The Misty Skull, a lord of the undead is coming for you. So I suggest you get ready. The longer you wait, the more undead warriors he rises to plague the land of Minecraftia.
With thirteen months of development behind it, there are some very impressive builds in The Misty Skull adventure map. The storyline of this map is pretty much one big long build up to a boss fight against the namesake of the map – The Misty Skull himself.

Hopefully by now you’re familiar with the Earth made in minecraft project, in which the entirety of the globe was recreated in Minecraft form. In its original incarnation, players could download a minecraft map of the earth. The terrain matched the real world, but there were no cities or buildings.
That has changed! The minecraft earth colonization project has a minecraft earth map available for download, with cities!
Several countries have already been added to the map. So you can now explore Russia (complete with their Antartic bases), Canada, Iceland, Morocco, Columbia and Palau. More countries are coming soon, so this is a minecraft project definitely worth keeping an eye on. Upcoming countries include the USA (so yes, you’ll be able to travel across the United States of America in Minecraft, perhaps following in the steps of Kerouac or Boone.) Also Venuzuela, Norway, Micronesia and Khazakstan.

Hole Fall is a minecraft survival map full of holes. It’s actually a minecraft menger sponge survival map. And you’re right in the middle of it all, stuck on a sliver of grass – or, if you pass through the portal, on a thin sliver of netherrack.