Want to download minecraft TF2 mods? Play on a minecraft TF2 server, or simply download a minecraft TF2 map to play on your own! Here are all the links you need.

The most famous of all the minecraft TF2 maps is the TF2 Dustbowl map, put together by Seth Bling and Hypixel. This map is effectively a redstone game designed for 6v6 or 12v12 play. This map requires no mods at all to work, and includes eight unique player classes, each one geared to suit. Minecraft Heavies and Minecraft Scouts and Minecraft Snipers and Minecraft Medics and Minecraft Soldiers and Minecraft engineers rejoice!
Download the original TF2 Mincraft map here!
Team Fortress 2 Mod for Minecraft
Maybe you want to make your own Minecraft Team Fortress 2 map, but want it to operate realistically. The Minecraft TF2 mod takes care of that, allowing you to craft turrets and carry about wrenches, and set up sentry guns and teleporters and that sort of thing.
Official Minecraft TF2 Server Site For TF2 Minecaft multiplayer fun, visit the ‘official’ MC TF2 server site and join hundreds of other Minecraft Team Fortress players.
These minecraft super tips comes from Okta’s ‘Five Things You May Not Know About Minecraft’ series, a great little YT series perfect for people who have been playing minecraft for a while and are interested in learning the tricks the pros use.
* Zombies will only burn in the sun if they are standing on a full block. Half blocks will keep zombies from burning.
* You can breed chickens with netherwort, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and grass seeds.
* Leads can be unleashed by throwing snowballs at them, shooting them with an arrow, throwing an egg or tossing an ender pearl in their direction.

* Fences can be used as stairs if carpets are placed on top of them. This means you can build steep, tall staircases which are ascended super quickly.
*Using a nametag and calling a mob ‘Dinnerbone’ or ‘Grumm’ will make them turn upside down.
Check out Okta’s Five Things You May Not Know About Minecraft:

A command block enabled, Minecraft 1.6 survival map, Sea Block survival is exactly what you think it will be. There is a lot of sea, and not a lot of block. The block is up to you to create, you see. In addition to the lack of block, there are plenty of structures to explore. Some of them contain treasures. Some of them contain pain. Some of them contain the answer of the question who shot first.
Download it!
Twelve unique biomes and special effects make this an exciting new Huger Survival Games Minecraft Team Challenge Survival Of The Fittest Shoot Arrows At Your Friends Map.
Catching Fire Minecraft Map Download
Red Dead Redstone takes the famous Western console RPG and converts it to the only format likely to be released for the PC: a minecraft adventure map. Fans of Red Dead Redemption will be pleased to learn that this isn’t a bland remake of the game, rather it is an entirely new map with new missions and even an expansion pack – as well as a resource pack.
Red Dead Redemption Minecraft Westward Expansion
The Westward expansion pack involves new terrain, new weapons and new combat in the original Red Dead Redstone format. Take your hero Daniel Wade into fresh lands and master the mobs that live there.
Download Red Dead Redemption for Minecraft!