2013 is almost behind us, so what were the very best and most popular minecraft maps this year?

Revolutionizing Minecraft Sky Survival, Sky Den took the simply Sky Block style minecraft map and turned it on its head, adding NPC’s, multiple quests, challenges of all kinds and a full roster of building materials and items so you don’t feel deprived whilst stuck up there in the sky. Sky Den was a minecraft survival map designed to be built forever. The only limit was your imagination and that cramping feeling in your left hand.

Epic Jump minecraft maps became really popular in 2013, taking minecraft parkour to a new level. The most popular Epic Jump Map released in 2013 was the Sky Butter map, in which your score was butter and the points didn’t matter. It contained custom mobs, like the Minecraft Butter Creeper, and was adrenaline charged and scary enough to make grown men shriek so loudly every dog in my house flipped out. If that’s not an endorsement, I don’t know what is.

Newton took on Darwin in this dropper map, another popular form of Minecraft map in 2013. Dropper maps involve doing nothing but falling, which sounds easy enough, but usually ends up with the player braining themselves on a bit of wood and having to start all over again. The Dropper 2 was played by the Yogscast, controversial minecraft mavens, and soon became a hit with even the lowliest of minecraft peons who liked falling quite a lot.

Wool Warfare is the most exciting Minecraft RFW map, made by Krose. Like many other minecraft racing maps, the basic premise is to make your way from one side of a map to the other, avoiding traps and dodging enemy projectiles. That’s right, Wool Warfare now allows you to hurl arrows into the blocky avatar faces of people who once regarded you as a friend. Win the game by getting to the wool first. It’s that simple. It’s that difficult.
Download Wool Warfare, Minecraft Race For Wool Map!
Orrr if you want to get Yoggy with it, you can watch the Yogscast play their own RFW maps with all their hilarious Britishness.
Check out the Vechs’ Super Hostile Race for Wool Map!

All of Azeroth, the world of warcraft, is now available as a minecraft map download. Check out the Horde city of Ogrimmar pictured above! With all of Azeroth lovingly rendered as a minecraft map, now you can let your subscription lapse and wander in a WoW free of NPCs, murlocks and ganking PvP’ers who do it for the lulz.
Download the minecraft World of Warcraft map!

A 1.7 minecraft adventure map as exciting as it is traditional, as inspiring as it is well built, Extraction follows the tale of Lenny. You are Lenny, or you will be by the time you finish this map. As Lenny, you must protect his homeland, a beautiful place featuring farmlands and wonderfully large trees and the occasional intimidating oversized arena which could be used for keeping Cerberus contained when his owner goes away on holiday.
Download Extraction Minecraft Adventure Map for Minecraft 1.7!

This minecart minecraft puzzle map is as original as it is made of iron bars – and it is made of a lot of iron bars. The object of Rail Maze is to solve puzzles, be awesome and navigate your minecart through a series of railway related obstacles in order to triumph over yourself and the map maker. The railway aspect of this game is not at all trivial, in fact, you must become something of a minecraft railway specialist, adept at changing track directions, enlisting pistons in the battle against losing and generally understanding what levers and buttons do what. I’m not saying this minecraft map will make you a qualified train driver, but I am saying it will set you on the path toward becoming the best train driver there ever was. Because I’m a liar.
Download Rail Maze Minecraft Puzzle Map Here!