The first Diversity minecraft map was good (and by good, I mean one of the most popular minecraft downloads of all time, so the second must be better. Diversity 2 is an even better, more diverse and all round awesome.
What is Diversity 2? Essentially it is a minecraft CTM map, but it is also a lot more than that. Each level of the map involves various challenges from various minecraft map genres. For example, some levels will require a grasp of minecraft parkour techniques, whilst others will require you to solve minecraft puzzles and still others require you to go on minecraft adventures of epic proportions. Between fighting zombies, falling prey to traps, wondering what the next turn will be this is shaping up to be the hottest minecraft download since that time they said Notch was going to sell Minecraft to Microsoft.
This map can be played in either single or multiplayer formats and promises a well rounded minecraft challenge for even the most seasoned player, whilst still being easy enough to allow newbies to acquaint themselves with the most time honored minecraft tradition of all time – the rage quit.
Download Diversity 2, Minecraft’s Diversity Sequel Map Here!

Ever wanted to play Sim City in Minecraft? Well here’s your chance. Through the magic of advance Minecraft technology, Simburbia is a complete city simulation complete with a power grid, monetary system, a living, working population, disasters, map overlays, sim city quests and more. It’s time to become Mayor of your own Minecraft city and watch as giant Zombies stomp your carefully simgineered buildings to dust – or not.
Simburbia is no small feat of Minecraft engineering, a game within a game, and as such it is a must, must, must download for all minecrafters who like seeing what modern minecraft can now do.
Download the Minecraft Simburbia Sim City Map here!

The Ender Scrolls is a Minecraft Adventure map set in the world of Tamriel. An Elder Scrolls Minecraft map, this mixes the best features of your favourite Bethesda RPG series with all magic of Minecraft. Battle Daedra Endermen, meet members of the mage’s guild, (if you have the aptitude for it) and journey from zone to zone, building up your gear, XP and jump points until you’re the bounciest Minecrafter who ever eldered the scrolls.
Begin your adventure, click here to download the Minecraft Elder Scrolls Map!

The Captive Minecraft series returns with the third downloadable installment: Rise of Atlantis. As with previous captive minecraft games, you begin inside a tiny world with a border just 1 x 1. You are your world. But, as you achieve achievements, the world border expands, opening up new possibilities and access to treasures and rewards beyond your wildest bordermares.
These minecraft horror movies have been hand-picked to deliver the best in minecraft shocks and scares. For best effect, watch in a 1 x 2 square hole without even so much as a torch for company.
Hotel Overlook
Hotels are some of the scariest places known to man. Or is that skeeviest. I forget. Alls I know is I wouldn’t mind if this hotel lost my reservation.
Minecraft Horror Movie: The Movie Of Minecraft Horror
The horror is in the horror.