The first Diversity minecraft map was good (and by good, I mean one of the most popular minecraft downloads of all time, so the second must be better. Diversity 2 is an even better, more diverse and all round awesome.
What is Diversity 2? Essentially it is a minecraft CTM map, but it is also a lot more than that. Each level of the map involves various challenges from various minecraft map genres. For example, some levels will require a grasp of minecraft parkour techniques, whilst others will require you to solve minecraft puzzles and still others require you to go on minecraft adventures of epic proportions. Between fighting zombies, falling prey to traps, wondering what the next turn will be this is shaping up to be the hottest minecraft download since that time they said Notch was going to sell Minecraft to Microsoft.
This map can be played in either single or multiplayer formats and promises a well rounded minecraft challenge for even the most seasoned player, whilst still being easy enough to allow newbies to acquaint themselves with the most time honored minecraft tradition of all time – the rage quit.
Download Diversity 2, Minecraft’s Diversity Sequel Map Here!

The Cubes of Adventure have returned, minecrafters! Cubes of Adventure 2 follows on from the popular minecraft adventure series of the obvious name. The object is to complete the monument, a task which can only be completed by making room for activities inside your mysterious cube. Strictly speaking, this should be called ‘Cube of Adventure’, but lets not split hairs or cubes.
Here are three new minecraft maps released in the last week. If you only get to download and play new minecraft maps on the weekends, here are a bunch of quick links to some maps that might pique your interest. From retro nostalgia with a remake of a Zelda map from 1987, to a crippling, nigh horror CTM experience, there’s something for everyone.
Fog of Demise Super Hard Minecraft CTM Map

This is a very, very difficult minecraft CTM map. So difficult that it is actually impossible to beat. You might think me to be exaggeration at this point, but let me tell you, this map leaves you bumbling about in the darkness with two hearts left of life, no opportunity to respawn and with a potion of slowness making you move at a snail’s pace whilst creepers leap out of the woodwork every five seconds. It’s not easy.

I do love CTM maps and I also love minecraft farm maps. Greener Pastures combines a CTM challenge with a farming challenge to create the ultimate minecraft map for people who like to till the earth. Under a glowstone lit sky, it is your job to climb, explore and mine your way through obstacles until such time as the monument is completed.

A complete the monument map with only two monument blocks (and two monument weapons,) Lake of Mirrors sounds like an easy minecraft CTM map. But it’s not. The first thing that makes it difficult is the fact that it is made in hardcore mode. That’s a pretty big thing. It means that this map is merciless and you only get one chance to battle glowstone headed skeletons and win.