Lunar Awakening, The Most Beautiful Minecraft Adventure Map Of All Time

lunar awakening minecraft fantasy adventure map download

When the human’s heart becomes controlled by whimsical desires,
it will search through even the deepest of tunnels.
Cold, motionless pockets of opportunities, tunneling through the void
of the Specular’s mind, he travels through the unknown.

It’s pretty bold to go out there and say that anything is the most beautiful anything of all time, but Lunar Awakening is the sort of minecraft map that makes you stop for a second just to breathe in its awesomeness. (And I mean that in the traditional sense of the world.) Minecraft builder Circleight has created a high fantasy minecraft adventure that is more than just a pleasure to play – it changes your whole view of what is and what is not possible in minecraft.

The builds are obviously quite fantastic, and there is a definite JRPG feel to the map, mostly because it’s magical as all get out. Poetic and artistic, this is more than a mere adventure. This is a journey.

Download Lunar Awakening Minecraft Fantasy Adventure Map!

Check out the full album of images (even if you’re not planning on playing the adventure map, these are some minecraft builds that have to be seen to be believed.)

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