I made this map because the idea of players running screaming from skeletons and zombies around an oversized playground that made them feel more weak and puny than ever due to the massive scale of most of the equipment amused me.
So here it is, the Little Playground of Horrors.
The children are long gone from this playground which has been taken over by mutant zombies and terrible creatures that defy imagination. The Little Playground of Horrors has its secrets and it’s joys. When you’re not running from creepers and dodging skeleton arrows you can enjoy the swings and the twirly whirly merry-go-round. Some resources, like pink wool, are plentiful. Others, not so much. Here’s hoping you like mushroom soup.
- Escape The Playground
Survival is nice, but escape is better. Find a way out of the playground.
- Civilization
Civilize the playground by driving back the undead hoardes, making it safe for newcomers once more.
- Build A Better Playground
Devise some better playground equipment and post evidence on this thread.