Minecraft Elder Scrolls Map Downloads

minecraft tamriel map download

If you’re a fan of both Minecraft and the Elder Scrolls series, then this is a project designed to thrill you to your toes. Play all of the continent of Nirn in Minecraft with this single map that spans the continent made famous in the Elder Scrolls series. Wander the streets of Imperial City in Minecraft (still, to this day the best RPG city I’ve ever been in. Skyrim has nothing on the atmosphere and depth of Oblivion’s Imperial City.)

minecraft imperial city elder scrolls download

Also included is the terrain for Cyrodiil and Sovongarde (Sovongarde really does await!) Black Marsh, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isle, and Valenwood.

You can also direct download a completed minecraft Morrowind map here!

The Tamriel Minecraft project seeks to collect existing Elder Scrolls builds and compile them into one large minecraft map, so that fans of the Elder Scrolls can do what has not been possible – to travel between the worlds of Oblivion, Morrowind and Skyrim with a simple fast travel spell. (In this case it will be a minecraft teleport, but you get the idea.)

minerim skyrim minecraft map

You can also download Minerim, a Skyrim inspired minecraft map, which does not precisely re-create Skyrim, but has a pretty good go at Whiterun.

Download the Tamriel Minecraft Map (Contains Morrowind, Oblivion and more!)

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