Minecraft Horse PvP Map Download | Battle of the Horses

minecraft horse pvp battlefield

Ladies and gentlemen, start your horses. The PvP is about to begin and now there are battlesteeds to carry you to victory or drop you in the mire.

There are several choices when it comes to setting up your battlefield. You can choose to meet in the day, or face off under minecraft moonlight. Hazards abound. There are creepers lurking on the battlefield waiting to detonate.

Before battle can begin, you must tame your chosen mount. When the hearts flow, the battle will go. Horses allow for mounted combat, so you can ride your horse both into the fray and out of it. Splash potions can enhance a horse’s abilities, more speed, more strength, more resilience.

Gather your friends and gather your enemies, pin your valor to the sticking post, or stick it in the nearest chest. To the victor go the spoils.

Download this minecraft Horse PvP Map!

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