Minecraft Custom Server Map Download

minecraft custom server map download

This extensive 6000 x 4000 minecraft world map download is pretty perfect for anyone looking for a custom built minecraft world with custom built villages. If you’re tired of wandering through ‘randomly generated’ territory it’s time to explore something created a little more intentionally – both with your friends and complete strangers who might happen to stumble on to your server in an eternal search for lava and flint and steel.

minecraft snowy mountain range

There are several advantages to this kind of map, the first one being that it actually makes sense. You don’t spawn in a jungle that sits right next to a desert and a frozen forest, for starters. The villages are also much more pleasant to look at and far more fun to explore – and there’s a point to the caves you find. They contain monsters and treasures, not windy tunnels of inane pointlessness (although “windy tunnels of inane pointlessness’ could very well be a good name for another kind of minecraft custom map. It’s also much more beautiful than a randomly generated map, and because it has a set size, it can reduce lag when used on a minecraft multiplayer server.


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