Corrupt Island, Minecraft Island Sky Block Survival Map Download

This island is what happens when you take Minecraft out for a night of hard liquor and even harder women and then switch it on the next morning. If that analogy isn’t appropriate for you, it is what happens when Elmo and Megatron have a fight. This small block of WTF is nestled cosily in the void, and it is your job, as a player of the game of minecraft, to attempt some form of survival upon it. No animals will spawn naturally at first (unless you count the three little pigs clinging to outcroppings above an endless fall,) who are highly likely to turn themselves into cooked pork chops if they get loose. Arable land is at a premium, meaning there is almost none of it. Good luck growing crops when the flame from the netherblock keeps turning them into crispy wheat flakes before you get a chance to harvest them.

This simple minecraft survival island / sky block map is the sort of thing that survival dreams are made of. Can you sort out the chaos that is the random smattering of blocks into something useful? Or will you slip and fall into the void, never to spawn correctly again? Although this sort of map has definitely been done before, the randomized terrain adds a new level of challenge that most players will find quite enjoyable. I liked the fact that the mandatory ‘single tree’ wasn’t one of the usual oak tree sticking out like a sore thumb. This is a sky survival map for a new generation, a generation of players using the minecraft 1.4 update.

Click here to download Corrupt Island!

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