Minecraft’s classic theme park map, Woosh Games features:
Seven Mini-Games!
- Dodge Bow,
- Snow Fight,
- Pig Rodeo,
- Piston Boxing,
- Sheep Breeders and
- Jungle Race!
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Minecraft’s classic theme park map, Woosh Games features:
Seven Mini-Games!
The Elven City of Lothariel is a minecraft fantasy city like no other. Glistening white buildings tipped with pure diamond are the work of minecraft build team Vadact. A great angel watches over the city, whilst towering peaks and sweeping arches make this one of the most beautiful minecraft cities of a great while, if not actually all time.
There will be a new terrain generator in Minecraft 1.7. It will include all new terrain and biomes, and even some new trees. That’s the good news. The not so good news, depending on your attitude to these sorts of these things, is that oceans seem to have completely disappeared.
Check out the graphics from the Mojang Official Blog Update:
You’ll also notice that there are new items in the sea, or in the many lakes, whichever you prefer to call them.
Proponents of this new terrain generator sans oceans are pleased because, frankly, 1.6 is hard to get around in survival mode. You basically stick to whichever landmass you happen to spawn on, because striking out for new land with a very limited inventory and a tiny wooden boat feels like madness.
This Nordic Island created in Minecraft reminds me very strongly of the lands of Skyrim. It’s a simple and relatively small island map, which comes down in creative mode, but it would only be the work of a minute to /gamemode survival playername and turn it into a survival island experience. The island sits on a self contained ocean sphere, so there’s a certain isolationist feel to the experience.
A creepy, scary minecraft horror map, The Monastery plants the player in an old, abandoned monastery. The map comes with a resource pack, so you’ll have the full horror experience, complete with horror soundtrack, Silent Hill style textures, limited view-distance and all the scary frozen moments that make any horror map great.
The Monastery takes its cues from ‘The Staircase’, and throws you into the Monastery headfirst into the graveyard. Blinded and achemically slowed, you creep around, bumping into headstones. Whilst the limited field of view caused by the blindness does create tension, the slowness is actually just annoying. Indeed, once the initial ‘ooo creepy’ vibe has worn off, even the blindness becomes irritating. You’ll swap your entire kingdom and all the emeralds in it for a single torch.
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